Sunday, April 12, 2009

Videos on Vocational Transition.

Teachers, employers and advocates of Special Education,here I place some videos with vocational transition that could assist you all in looking at children with Special Needs in a different way. They are capable in making positive contributions to the community. Sit relax and observe.

4metohelp: Vocational Education/Training

4metohelp: Vocational Education/Training

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Vocational Education/Training

This article is an easy and clear article on some ways how we as parents and teachers can positively guide and assist our children/students to be able to transit into the wider community as how they are. We need to be the ones to allow them to be all that they can be.

"Learning Disabled Adolescents: Programs, Curriculum, Teaching Methods, No. 507." A computer search reprint of 100 abstracts. Reston, VA: ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, 1983.:

Gillet, Pamela. "It's Elementary! Career Education Activities for Mildly Handicapped Students." TEACHING EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS 15 (1983):199-205.

Definitons: Inclusion & More

Many times we hear of the different terminologies of words in Special Education. Now here is a definition website for all to read: Students, Teachers and Parents, I hope that in having the different meaning of words clear, that appreciation will be shown towards children with special and Educators who are advocate of Special Education.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This clipping is for all; students, parents and teachers. Students with disability are most of the time not handicap. Here this video shows how despite the disabilities, lot can be done in the work place to accommodate all employers.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Self-Advocacy & Future Planning

Fellow students with disability, this website shows how students can help themselves.They can use the information to guide them to find their inner strength, allocate jobs and and contribute positively to the development of to their community.
Parents and teachers need to be the driving forces behind our children and students with special needs.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

See, I can do too. WOW!

Who amazing! I always wanted to show others that children and adults with disability are capable of doing whatever they desire. My utmost desire is to show others how children can move from a child with disability to a full and able adult with disabilities.These videos will show you how able students with disabilities are. Take some time out and view these interested stories and meet others who can contribute to your growth and appreciation of others

Self-Advocacy & Future Planning

To all students, parents & supporters of Special Education: This website is really an interesting site to be used foremost by students. They can read and gather plans that will assist them in planning for their future. There are steps that allow the student to chart a beginning in their future plan. Many times it is difficult for students to help planning their future,especially if there is not a significant other guiding them. This site then allows the individual to make a start through self- evaluation.

Monday, March 16, 2009

This website shows how others try to put good health and safety practices for students with disability. In Belize we too have safety programs for all our students .Well I would like to share that in the school where I am presently working( not a Special ed. Sch.) we try to train our teachers so they area able to provide first aid to each child.
In our little Special Education Unit, we are still trying to reach to a certain level and hopes that more training will be given to our teachers.
This is a website catered mainly for students with and without disabilities. This is a guide for students with disability to seek additional job search, seminars,and professional development activities.
In Belize, we have far to go. Not too many jobs are available for students with disability. Also employers do not readily hire persons with disability to work and if i\they do, the salary is minimal.

For all to read and keep abreast of information

This is just an additional website that I am posting for all those in the education field.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


To educators, and all those in education field.While doing my Special Education Proposal I found this information and belief that it will help all of us who are doing Special Education. This website really guide when dealing with students with dyslexia. This what my research paper is all about. I hope you can make use of the information.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Employment opportunity

Many times we hear parents of children with disability wondering what they will do with their children after elementary education. Will now these programs do provide some answer to parents and students

This website is very useful and helpful to students, parents and employers. Through these programs students are taught life long skills to enable each to make positive contribution to their community despite their condition. I am hopeful that one of these days, I will be able to create a transitional program for our Belizean children or students. We in Belize really do not have a transitional program for our children.
I am fortunate to be able to visit the OCT program on the campus of the University of North Florida. I usually would engage directly with the students and aslo try to seek information on how to implement the program.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Postsecondary Education

This website I post especially for students. I want them to read up and know that they can under go secondary education once the will is there. Education has no barriers.Parents need to encourage their children to aspire for the highest and the best in education.
In Belize we need to work on this.We still have not reach to the level of providing accommodating post secondary public education to our students. Hopes are still in the air.


When I thought of mobility I was thinking only permanent mobility. This website made me realized that mobility can also be temporary like me the case of a broken leg . The mobility services does not only caters for permanent cases bot they include temporary too. I hope that in the future that some good will be made in Belize to seriously assist the students and the community with adequate transportation.

To all who are interested, parents and students this is a website that provides a variety of public transportation to the community. In Belize we do have public transportation but there are no transportation with accommodation for people with disability. Also at the schools, no readily available assistance are on campus to help make mobility easy for students to move around.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Social Relationships and sexuality

Teachers working with students need to be cognisant of their students social and sexual influences.Not only are they sensitive about their preferences but they are also self conscious about the changes in their physical makeup. This article then is directed to educators, students and parents, especially students with disability. We need to understand that they too have their desire to socialize in all manner that is appropriate or immorally right. Therefore we then need to guide them along the way with socialization skills to allow them to move into such decision with little or no obstacle.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Independent Living

How many of us are aware of the power and pressure that independent living placed on an individual? Well here in this site, one can read ,familiarize and adopt some of the way that can allow a smooth transition into this step. Students with disabilities and even those who are considered ordinary ,do face these challenges. In the case of teachers, Special Education Teachers, how knowledgeable are we to assist our students with modes and ways to face the challenges that society put on students? Are we familiar with rules and regulations about independent living to encourage parents to guide and assist their children to move on with them feeling afraid? Well here in this link ,one can see various fact that can encourage both students and parents to fully equip them to think and practice independently.

Vocational Education/training

This site is very helpful to all: Parents and students can used the information to help them to examine areas where students with disabilities can be positive contributors to school and their community. The transition process given in this sites gives an insight of students with disability moving from childhood to adolescent. I know that sharing my edublog,and keeping it updated on this goal that I will become more knowledgeable to contribute to students transition in my country. To others who will use my edublog, take a look!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


This is a website that highlights the transitional program for students with disabilities. The site provides ways and mode of how to share responsibilities, in their apartments.
It is so amazing to read that not only do these students faces challenges in the academic phases but it also overlaps into the wider community. Many stakeholders need to assist in providing the opportunities for our students with exceptionalities to exercise their civil rights by contributing to the community.
Think as yourself as a child that had a bank account, if you were given the opportunity to control your account how productive would you have been? This is the same way how these students feel.Many times they have the drive to undergo certain initiative but dew their exceptionalities they are held back.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Resources Here educators can locate lesson plans, activities,and strategies that can be effectively use to motivate students. The plans that are available can be modified to suit varied levels of students.
Take a look, use this site to enlighten you about various strategies and information in order to effective teach students. It has a wide scope of subject areas and ideas.

For me to know and reflect

"If it is to be it is up to me"! Educators, colleagues, I really would like to share this phrase with all and want to reflect on each word in this sentence/phrase. Can you answer and give explanation to to your answer? What does these words mean to you?